Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Queendom.com tests 2

Results of "The Test"
How moral are you?

Your score = 30

What does your score mean?
You seem to have created your own idea of right and wrong - and may not even stick to that. You generally disregard the moral rules set by the rest of society, bending the conventions to suit your own wants and desires. You likely have convincing arguments for all your moral diversions, but the truth is your actions may be seriously affecting others. If you take the handicapped spot in the parking lot, aren't you being just a tad selfish? If you lie to those close to you, you may do serious damage to the relationship... and who knows if you will ever be able to repair it. Try putting yourself in other people's shoes, and you should gain a whole new perspective - would you like someone reading your personal things? How about if someone scratched your car and then took off? It may seem easy to indulge in - and get away with - these faux pas, but perhaps you should consider whether they're really worth it in the long run.

Results of "The Test"
How promiscuous are you?

Your score = 35

What does your score mean?
While bed-hopping is not your full-time hobby, you've certainly dabbled from time to time. You've had the occasional adventurous romp in the hay, perhaps when the situation was just too good to pass up or you were feeling particularly frisky. This may be a thing of the past (who hasn't gone through a wild phase?) or something you just had to get out of your system. There's nothing wrong with living on the edge from time to time, as long as you're doing it for the right reasons. Some of the wrong reasons would be; low self-esteem, peer pressure, the influence of alcohol or drugs on your judgment, or as a way of finding true love. And no one can deny that are some serious risks involved with sleeping around, like STD's, pregnancy, losing respectability, and feelings of shame. When faced with temptation, you should think more with your brain and less with other body parts.

Results of "The Test"
How strong is your libido?

Your score = 55

What does your score mean?
While you're not a total raging hormone, you are easily persuaded by your libido to throw all caution to the wind. You're willing to take the occasional risk - like showing up late for a work meeting or waking up your sleeping grandparents - for the sake of a romp in the hay, but you also have certain boundaries. Perhaps sex doesn't occupy your every waking thought (or you're simply able to screen it), or you just have certain moral limits to how far you'll go. Essentially, you've got a high libido that you've managed to whip into control. You try to think with your head and not your groin, but occasionally give into temptation. This is a healthy, balanced approach... just don't forget to use your brain.


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