Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Queendom.com tests 1

Results of "The Test"
How liberal a parent are you?

Your score = 55

What does your score mean?
Your answers showed that your parenting approach is a mix between liberal and conservative. In certain situations, you take the open-minded, relaxed approach and let your children make their own decisions and level with them about sensitive topics. In others, however, you draw a line and set boundaries; perhaps, for example, you just wouldn't smoke up with your kids or get your daughter a boob job. Depending on which situations you opposed, this likely means that you make your parenting decisions on a case-by-case basis. You want to give them some room to mess up so they learn to use their heads, but you also don't want to encourage any destructive or potentially harmful habits. You try to provide guidance and set a good example for your kids without being overly imposing and restrictive. All in all, you set limits on your kids while managing to keep the lines of communication open. While there is no one sure-fire recipe for raising kids, this is the approach many parenting experts would agree is most beneficial. Keep using your judgment and you're on the right track!

Results of "The Test"
How trusting are you?

Your score = 60

What does your score mean?
While you seem to believe in the overall goodness of humankind, you also realize that there are a few bad apples out there - and do your best to spot them before they take you for a ride. Essentially, you trust those that have earned your confidence, but don't dish it out indiscriminately. You may even give a second thought to trusting completely in those close to you, not because you think they would purposefully do anything malicious, but simply because you know human beings are flawed and easily swayed by temptation. Essentially, you're a trusting creature - but instead of trusting blindly, you take a realistic approach.

Results of "The Test"
Are you a giver?

Your score = 40

What does your score mean?
You typify a healthy mix of give and take in your relationships. You do not give indiscriminately nor do you slam the door on friends in need. You seem to be comfortable with yourself and are able recognize your own needs and desires as well as those of others. You know that you don't have to give until it hurts to be a kind, sharing person - and, as a result, you maintain a desirable balance. You judge each situation on its importance and act accordingly; you wouldn't miss your plane, for example, to do an errand for a friend but would gladly do the errand any other time. This attitude gives you protection you from any piranhas who prey on the over-generous, but gives you the room to be the giving person you aim to be. Those close to you surely appreciate your giving nature, but they also respect your ability to set certain limits and think of yourself from time to time.


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