Sunday, November 28, 2004

Some Tickle Tests

The Enneagram Test
What the Ancient Science of Personality Says About You

You're a Type 2 - The Humanitarian

Friends, family, and colleagues probably appreciate your caring and generous nature. They're also apt to know that when they come to you with a problem, you'll usually offer a shoulder to cry on and unparalleled compassion. As a Humanitarian, you're likely to be seen as a loving and helpful person with a kind heart.
Being a member of this type puts you in good company. Mother Teresa, with her tireless devotion to aid the sick and destitute members of society, and Bishop Desmond Tutu, with his emphasis on nonviolent protest against racial injustices, are also Type 2s.
This means that compared to the eight other Enneagram types, you have a strong sense of empathy for other people. In fact, you're the kind of warm, sincere person who can be uniquely capable of seeing the good in others.
At their worst, Humanitarians can sometimes become unhelpful and disappoint others. But at their best, they have faith in the goodness of life and the world.

I never thought of myself as a humanitarian. I still don't. The things that seems to fit are the empathy (in the meaning that I know how people are feeling), finding good in others, and not liking injustice.

Discover Your Sexual Personality
Your Personal Guide to Fantastic Sex

Your sexual personality is Omega-ETDN-8.
Your sexual personality is determined by your sexual persona (Omega), 4 sexual scales (Emotional/Physical, Look/Touch, Daring/Modest, Verbal/Non-verbal), and your libido score (8).

As an Omega, you are someone who feels sexy, looks sexy, and really knows the ropes when it comes to lovemaking. Your sex appeal is more overt than others, and your sexual confidence and awareness are particularly high.
How do we know this? How do we know that you focus more on the emotional than the physical connection with your partner while having sex?
Because while you were taking the test, you answered different kinds of questions — questions that measured what you're like in bed as well as your sex appeal, sexual confidence and sexual awareness.
As an Omega, your sexual energy is so powerful, it might be challenging for you to gauge the sexual energy of others.

This one is interesting, since it conflicts with an earlier Sex Personality test taken (scroll down to compare). It was from a different site. So, either my attitude about sex depends on how I'm feeling at the moment, or one of the tests is wrong. I know this one was right on a couple aspects -- I am Non-Verbal, and Touch is more important than Look.

How Sinful Are You?
Which of the 7 Deadly Sins Affects You Most?

You're more sinful than the average person. And the thing you most need to keep an eye on is Pride.

If you aren't careful, your drive to excel at all costs may ultimately be your downfall. Feeling proud of your successes might be a gratifying way to acknowledge your work and position in life. Still, you should beware of prioritizing your achievements above other things and using them as a way to feel superior to others. But you're not alone. Pride is an ancient vice and you can learn how to keep this temptation in check.
In ancient times, each of the seven deadly sins was thought to have a specific, corresponding punishment. The prideful person was broken on the wheel.

The place I found these tests:

(Except the 7 Deadly Sins, that's on the homepage)


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