Saturday, November 06, 2004

Quiet Entertainment

Poseur or Punk?

You're nothing. You have your own style.You are nothing. You have your own style, and people should respect that. You don't have a care in the world.

Yes I do. My very own hippie style. And, of course, I don't look like any other hippie...

Which of the seven dwarfs are you?

C'mon! You aren't fooling anyone with that introverted routine and all that blushing crap. Come out of your shell already. Goofball!

Me, Bashful? Interesting concept...

What kind of beauty are you?

You're just like cute, except better looking.

Are you a slut?(for guys too, heh)

Not always a bad thing.... Would you wanna be with a slut? Not a lot of people do. As long as you're not a sex craved pervert, I'd say you're alright.

How sexy are you?

Oh yeah thats it... You are sexy. People are attracted to you. Smile a little more, and cut loose and have fun. You're probably a little shy, but it's okay. Have FUN!!!! BE CREATIVE!!!!

Which American City Are You?
Washington DC
You're rotten to the core. You're deeply aggressive; street-level violence and big-time politics.

This one doesn't really make sense. I'm not rotten ALL the way to the core...

Sorry. The links weren't working for the quizzes. If you want to know where to take them, leave a comment and I'll give you the link...


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