Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"I _____ in your general direction"

How well can you quote Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

Grail Fanatic
Grail Fanatic
You could quote Monty Python in your sleep, and you probably do. You are most likely a nerd and don't care that other people give you weird looks when you start quoting's ok, your friends understand and will keep going back and forth with quotes for hours!
How do you compare?
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can't lose much by that. Head her to that clump of trees on the other side; the bank is lower there, and we can beach her.. Miss Lydia wrote a letter to Uncle Ralph, but it was doubtful whether that relative's constricted affairs would permit him to furnish help.. I am not certain, however, what year we are actually in, and the whole calculation falls into obscurity.. But I was troubled none the less.. But Polly had promised to beg me, and I dared all! I told Dennis to hold his peace, under all circumstances, and sent him down.. Hotchkiss's face had passed through a livid and then a greenish shade, and finally settled into a sullen red.. The rest is more readily taken for granted.. These dreams are ever sufficiently mysterious by reason of the choice of persons who are made the objects of sex, the removal of all the barriers which cry halt to the dreamer's sexual needs in his waking state, the many strange reminders as to details of what are called perversions.. I think I can promise you an agreeable evening, as I expect some very delightful people, with whom I shall be most happy to make you acquainted.. The Colonel paused, with a stately bow to the impassive Judge.. Give me the two dollars, and I will telegraph to Uncle Ralph for some to-night.. The weakling and the neurotic attached to his neurosis are not anxious to turn such a powerful searchlight upon the dark corners of their psychology.. Never mind the card; tell 'em, he urged.. [5] Similar counter wish-dreams have been repeatedly reported to me within the last few years by my pupils who thus reacted to their first encounter with the wish theory of the dream.. His poems were free from convention in technique as well as in spirit, although their chief innovation was simply that as a rule there was no regular number of syllables in a line; he let the lines be any length they wanted to be, to fit the sense or the length of what he had to say.. I arrive at two new problems hitherto unformulated: (1) What is the psychical process which has transformed the latent content of the dream into its manifest content? (2) What is the motive or the motives which have made such transformation exigent? The process by which the change from latent to manifest content is executed I name the dream-work.. It required ten days to put Mr.. He felt her soft young fingers even through the lisle-thread gloves that encased them and the warm moisture of her lips upon his skin.. Simeon had not cordially indorsed the movement into town, though, of course, knowing it was none of his business, he had never so much as hinted opposition...

3:53 AM  

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