Tuesday, February 01, 2005


How much do you love money?

Your Score Summary
Your Score:


What does this mean? With a score that low, it can only mean that you have been living your whole life devoid of any monetary influence. This could not be a good thing, how do you expect to get a car, or own a home. We suggest you go out and start making some green stuff! Busy corners are a good place to start...

Overall, you scored as follows:

82% scored higher,
2% scored the same, and
15% scored lower.

The average score is:



How much of a loser are you?

I am 20% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

Your Score Summary
Overall, you scored as follows:
20% are cooler, and 80% are more of a loser than you.
What does this mean?
Definitely not a loser - You're cool by us


Are you a spoiled brat?

Your Score Summary

Your Score:


What does this mean? You seem to be a little spoiled. It would not hurt you to buy something for yourself, just so that you could spoil yourself. Feel proud of the fact that you got yourself where you are by mostly your own effort (even if it is a cardboard box!).

Overall, you scored as follows:
78% are more spoiled, 3% are just as spoiled, and 19% are more deprived than you!

The average score is:



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