Monday, February 14, 2005

More time fillers

You're an Angry Drunk!
"Hah! Good one! I thought it was really funny. Really fucking funny. Damn funny."
- pause -
"You know what you are? You know? You, you fucking .. fucking ..." - another pause, sip, under breath - "Fucking fuck face. I'll fuckin ..."
"I'll fuck you in your fucking fuck!"

Angry Drunk
What Kind of Drunk Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

I'm Michael Badnarik!
Which Presidential Candidate Are You?
Rung from Rum and Monkey's very own liberty bell.

And maybe this isn't very American of me, but I don't know who this guy is -- or what he stands for.

My Inner Hero - Wizard!

I'm a Wizard!

There are many types of magic, but all require a sharp mind and a cool head. There is no puzzle I can't solve, no problem I can't think my way out of. When you feel confused or uncertain, you can always rely on me to untangle the knots and put everything back in order for you.

How about you? Click here to find your own inner hero.


Blogger Onotheo said...

The test says I'm a philosophical drunk. 'How disturbing could that be'.

6:31 PM  

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